Featherweight Interface Program (FIP)
The FIP makes it easy to download and display all the Raven, Raven2, Raven3 or Raven4 altimeter's recorded data, check out the altimeter, and configure the outputs. For the Blue Raven and Blue Jay altimeters, the Featherweight UI phone app is the interface for downloading the data. The FIP does not currently plot Blue Raven or Blue Jay files, but a future version may do so in the future.
Download the FIP
Download USB Drivers for the FIP
Example data a recent Raven4 flight:
Kevin Small flight April 2019
The FIP makes it easy to download and display all the Raven, Raven2, Raven3 or Raven4 altimeter's recorded data, check out the altimeter, and configure the outputs. For the Blue Raven and Blue Jay altimeters, the Featherweight UI phone app is the interface for downloading the data. The FIP does not currently plot Blue Raven or Blue Jay files, but a future version may do so in the future.
Download the FIP
Download USB Drivers for the FIP
Example data a recent Raven4 flight:
Kevin Small flight April 2019
Example Flight configuration screen for the Raven:
Example Plotting Screen: